We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our shareholders for your continued support.
We extend our warmest greetings to you as we present to you our 63rd Annual Shareholder Newsletter.
The financial performance for the 63rd fiscal year resulted in the largest net loss for the year since the listing of the company in April 2001, causing great concern and inconvenience to shareholders. As President, I would like to apologize from the bottom of my heart.
First of all, the most urgent task is to rebuild the business performance; therefore, we will re-analyze the business environment in which our company operates and we will deliberate on the business strategies.
We also believe that a factor in the recent downturn in performance has been the weakening of our ability to collect information on the timing of orders and implementation of projects.
In the 64th fiscal year, we are determined to continue to strongly promote the proposal of our methods and materials and support on design mainly for construction consultants, to create demand considering medium and long-term views, and to strengthen the ability to collect information on projects.
In addition, we will promote the practical application of ICT on site to improve productivity, which we are continuously working on, and establish an internal work system to improve operational efficiency in order to achieve work style reform.
Finally, as we have not yet met the market capitalization criteria for tradable shares among the criteria for maintaining listing on the Standard Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, we will continue to promote various initiatives to achieve compliance.
We look forward to continued support and encouragement from our shareholders.
